Have you experienced this before? You're in deep sleep, probably in the REM cycle of your sleep which means you're probably in the midst of a lucid dream when suddenly you wake up. If you're wondering, well no, it wasn't a nightmare. You're not supposed to remember everything about a dream when you wake up (don't ask me why, our minds are supposedly engineered that way) and I usually do remember bits and pieces of my dream, but this time around, I woke up instantly...from deep sleep to being awake and ready to go. And I was pretty sure I was dreaming but woke up blank. Well not entirely blank but still...
There were only two "situations/settings/scenarios" I remember from the dream. The first was the end of the dream right before I woke up. I was seated, chatting with a friend (I can't remember who that friend was). He wanted to buy a car. In fact, it was a huge step up - from one that was old (not too clear about the make of the car) to a brand new Audi A4. The second...oh great I can't really remember now. That's the thing about waking up from dreams. You gradually lose any recollection of the dream from the moment you wake up. However, I think the second "situation/setting/scenario" was also about moving on from something old to something new; something good to something better.
So there I was, lying in bed...staring at the ceiling after waking up abruptly from a lucid dream. I turned to my left to pick up my cellphone to check for any missed calls and such. It was 4.45am. I turned onto my back again and continued to stare at the ceiling. I was wide awake and there was no way I could try getting back to sleep. I probably stared at the ceiling for a good 15-20 minutes, desperately trying to remember my dream but to no avail.
And as I sit here staring at my laptop screen, pondering over what my dream meant, one message rings in my head. Change!
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